Top 4 Maxio alternatives | 2024

Alvaro Morales

Though Maxio is a well-known brand in the B2B SaaS billing space, not all users are best suited for its offering.

This post aims to provide enough insights into why Maxio isn’t the best option in the market. We’ll showcase the top Maxio alternatives so that you can make an informed decision to reach your business goals. 

Overview of top Maxio alternatives

Here is a brief summary of the Maxio alternatives we’ll be analyzing: 

  • Orb: The top choice for usage-based billing, Orb is easy to use and provides in-depth invoices.
  • Chargebee: User-friendly with transparent pricing, Chargebee is suitable for simple subscription management.
  • Recurly: Designed for developers, Recurly is customizable and handles complex subscription scenarios.
  • Stripe: This versatile platform handles payments and subscriptions. It’s a solid option for businesses seeking a unified solution.

Why consider alternatives to Maxio?

While Maxio is a powerful tool for businesses with complex billing needs, there may be better solutions for everyone. Here's a deeper look at some areas where Maxio may fall short: 


While Maxio's features can be beneficial for some, they can also come with a hefty price tag. Smaller businesses or those with straightforward billing needs might find Maxio way too expensive.

Solution: If budget is a concern, consider Orb as the option that provides the best value for your money. 


While Maxio's strength lies in handling complex billing scenarios, its interface is overwhelming. If your team isn't tech-savvy, the learning curve could be steep.

Solution: Opt for platforms like Orb or Chargebee. These products have intuitive user interfaces that are easier to use, even for non-technical users.

Specific needs vs. features

Maxio offers a complete suite of features, which is great if your business requires them. If you have more straightforward billing needs, this vast feature set might be unnecessary and complicate your workflow.

Solution: If you need a direct platform for basic subscription management, Chargebee could be a better fit. For businesses focused on usage-based billing, Orb offers a specialized solution.


Maxio integrates with many tools but doesn't cover every specific integration your business needs. If seamless integration with your existing tech stack is a priority, you might need to look elsewhere.

Solution: Orb is a strong contender in this regard. It seamlessly integrates with commonly-used data warehouses and accounting software. Orb even has a direct SQL editor for custom data manipulation.

Best Maxio alternatives

1. Orb — The top alternative to Maxio

What is it?

Orb is a billing platform designed to simplify the billing process for B2B SaaS businesses, regardless of their size. 

It is particularly adept at handling usage-based billing models, making it an excellent choice for companies with complex pricing structures. One of its key advantages is Orb's ability to support a wide range of SaaS pricing models (including hybrid models).

Orb automates the creation of detailed invoices. It also provides valuable insights through comprehensive reporting and seamlessly integrates with tools like Snowflake, Netsuite, and QuickBooks.

How does it beat Maxio?

  • Superior invoicing and data handling: Though Maxio is designed for complex billing, Orb can also handle complex scenarios, as it is better at processing large volumes of usage data. Orb's invoicing offers a high level of detail. Invoices include usage graphs, timelines, and individual pricing insights.
  • Simplified pricing updates: Orb's allows pricing adjustments without complex migrations. This function lets you update your pricing model as your business evolves, a level of adaptability that Maxio doesn’t offer.
  • User-friendly design: Orb prioritizes an intuitive user experience. This strength makes billing management accessible even for those without technical expertise. It’s a significant advantage over Maxio, which is more challenging to navigate for non-technical users.

2. Chargebee — The integration-focused alternative to Maxio

What is it?

Chargebee is a recurring billing and subscription management platform. It simplifies the intricacies of subscription-based businesses. 

Chargebee's features include an intuitive interface, adaptable billing models, and compatibility with many payment gateways. Because of this, it is a favored choice among businesses of all sizes. Chargebee stands out for its commitment to user-friendliness and customization.

How does it beat Maxio?

  • Unified revenue operations: Chargebee offers a single platform to manage your billing, revenue tracking, and analytics needs. This setup streamlines your operations, eliminates the need for multiple tools, and prevents data silos.
  • Integrations for a connected tech stack: Chargebee connects with your CRM, accounting, and finance tools. With 60+ marketplace integrations, it offers more flexibility than Maxio.
  • Easier global expansion: Chargebee can handle international growth. It supports 100+ currencies, multiple languages, and various payment methods out of the box. This platform also automates forex and tax management, something Maxio can’t do.

3. Recurly — The developer-first Maxio alternative

What is it?

Recurly is a subscription billing platform. It excels at handling recurring payments in various billing scenarios. This software simplifies the process of adjusting prices and discounts while managing different subscription types.

It also helps businesses retain customers. Recurly provides tools for prorated charges, payment reminders, and multiple payment options. The platform also supports numerous payment methods, integrated fraud protection, and multi-currency capabilities.

How does it beat Maxio?

  • Specialized focus on recurring billing: Maxio handles a broad range of billing scenarios. Recurly specializes in subscription and recurring billing. This focused approach translates into a more refined and specialized experience than Maxio's.
  • Superior dunning management: Recurly's dunning management capabilities, including automatic retries, customizable communication, and a range of other features, give it an edge over Maxio.
  • Developer-friendly customization: Recurly's developer-centric approach is better if flexibility is a priority. Its design allows for greater customization, whereas Maxio is a bit more rigid in its customization options.

4. Stripe — One of the most popular Maxio alternatives

What is it?

Stripe is a payment processing platform that offers a suite of payment solutions for B2B businesses of all sizes. Stripe's platform has a wide array of tools within a developer-friendly framework. Some of these include billing, invoicing, and even sales tax automation,

Stripe provides intuitive APIs, high-quality SDKs, and round-the-clock global support. Its goal is to ensure a smooth implementation process for your billing system, with a focus on developers. 

How does it beat Maxio?

  • Unified platform for payments and subscriptions: Maxio focuses on billing and financial management. Stripe offers a complete solution that includes payment processing and subscription management. 
  • Unparalleled customization: Stripe's developer-centric design and APIs provide extensive customization options. Maxio has a more rigid framework.
  • Scalability to support your growth: Stripe handles high-volume transactions and complex payment scenarios. This feature makes it a better choice for rapidly growing businesses than Maxio, which faces limitations in handling such growth.

How to choose the right Maxio alternative

Finding the ideal Maxio alternative hinges on understanding your specific needs and priorities. Let's break down the key factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Ease of use: If your team isn't tech-savvy, go with Chargebee. Their intuitive interfaces simplify billing management and reduce the learning curve.
  • Scalability and growth: If you expect significant growth or have complex billing requirements, Orb is the top choice. It handles high volumes of usage data and intricate pricing models well.
  • Integrations and workflow: Need integrations with your existing tech stack? Orb is the clear winner as it also integrates with data warehouses and accounting software.
  • Support and assistance: Prioritize platforms with excellent customer service. Consider Recurly, known for its responsive support and detailed insights.
  • Complexity and pricing: If you need complex usage-based billing and a flexible budget, Orb is the ideal solution. If you want a platform for only basic payments and subscriptions, go with Stripe.

Ready to solve billing?

Now that you’ve learned about Maxio’s competitors, you’re ready to pick a platform that aligns with your business objectives. 

For a powerful, done-for-you usage-based billing solution, consider going with Orb.

Explore Orb's powerful features or test our offerings within the free SaaS sandbox. Discover the convenience Orb brings to make billing more manageable for your entire organization. 

June 10, 2024
Best Practices

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