New in the Orbit: product updates from August

Cecily Gardner

You can now add new usage-based or fixed free prices to your subscription or remove existing prices when creating a new subscription or scheduling a plan change for a customer. This allows you to directly create a variety of custom subscriptions without needing to construct new plans from scratch. By way of example: you might add a price to represent an add-on sold to a customer on top of their base plan or remove a price from the subscription to indicate that the customer should not be charged for a product – all configurations that become increasingly common when your customers have custom contracts. Learn more here. 

Add negative line items to your invoice 

The Orb team recently introduced a capability for adding negative line items to invoices in the Orb web app. If you want to credit a customer's invoice or correct a mistake on an invoice, creating a negative line item as an Invoice edit helps ensure the customer's invoice is issued correctly and without confusion.

New API endpoint to update alert thresholds 

We have introduced a new API endpoint, Update Alert, that allows you to update the thresholds that determine when an existing customer alert will be sent. This API functionality mirrors our UI's existing edit functionality for credit balances, usage, and cost alerts. You can use the Update Alert endpoint to modify your alerts when the logic for notifying internal teams or powering an overage notification to your customers changes. Read more in our documentation to learn more about Orb's alerting features.

Dry run API requests

Orb's API now supports the dry running of requests. The process of dry running API requests allows you to validate the correctness of a request without making any actual changes to the system. This feature is particularly useful for confirming that the request does not contain any errors and for previewing the potential response of a mutation before committing it. Dry-running a request is as simple as including a “Dry-Run” header with a value of “True” in your API request – learn more here. 

September 3, 2024
What's New in Orb

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